Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Time for an Update...Part 1

My goodness. School seems as though it was eons ago! This month has been a WHIRLWIND and I think a post is long overdue! I've survived concerts, reading period, finals, graduation, celebration, and then the labors of packing up a house, selling as many things as possible, and having to say goodbye to some of my nearest and dearest before driving for three days...and now we're here!

As to keep posts to a readable minimum, I'll be posting a couple different posts to capture the momentous occasions of the past few weeks!

PART 1A: Last Day of Classes 
My pre-graduation fun began when I got to conduct a 'Disney At the Oscars' medley with UPS' Wind Ensemble. This performance was my final for Advanced Instrumental Conducting. While I was nervous and anxious for this performance, I had an absolute BLAST conducting the group!

The weather held out, and we had a blast actually having 'POPS! On the Lawn' on the lawn! =)
I even sported my Minnie ears! =)

All the student conductors of Advanced Conducting!

Part 1B: Reading Period Vacation!
Dustin's Christmas present to me was a promise of a Victoria, BC vacation! We were originally going to go over Spring Break, but we postponed until Reading Period. Dust and I had an absolute blast!

Our first stop (literally RIGHT off the ferry!) was to the infamous Butchart Gardens. 
My oh my! I was in HEAVEN! If ever in Victoria, you MUST visit these stunning gardens!
Here is just a mere sampling of the beautiful flowers I captured on my camera.

the breath-taking "sunken garden"

amazing contrasting colors

crazy boy

After checking into our hotel, we enjoyed wandering around the city. 
We explored Chinatown, the main street shops, ate dinner at The Sticky Wicket, and enjoyed the gorgeous Inner Harbor with a lit-up Legislative building! 
What we didn't realize, however, was how EARLY the city shuts down! Stores close up around 6pm and things die down quickly! Victoria turns into a ghost town even before the sun goes down! So, we returned to our hotel when we ran out of things to do and enjoyed cuddling up and watching a movie.

The next day, we "rented" bikes from the hotel (free! yay!) and rode around town. It was great!

flowers, flowers, everywhere!

Before we left, Dustin insisted I try the Canadian version of "Smarties" candies. They're chocolate!

It was a fabulous vacation and a wonderful way to spend some alone time before I moved home to Colorado. We made awesome memories and simply enjoyed the lovely city and each other's company!