Sunday, June 3, 2012

Update Part 4 - Packing Up & Heading Home

So, Graduation Weekend excitement came to a close and then reality hit. I had a whole house to clean up, sell, and pack up before hitting the road. Not to mention, I had a lot of tearful, difficult goodbyes headed my way. UGH! Here's a recap of my last few days in Tacoma. I miss it already.

The day after graduation, we enjoyed the sunshine down at Point Defiance. Then Dad, Michael, and Mindy headed to the airport to fly back home to Denver...

...that left Mom and me with this...
A house full of things to sell! (Don't worry... it's not all mine! A lot of my friends donated items they didn't want/need anymore!)

We organized it all into a 3-day Garage Sale!

Dustin had fun trying on some different costumes from the sale

Then the day came that we had to pack up and say goodbye

We packed every square inch of that car!

Saying goodbye to this boy was the hardest

We copied our "goodbye" photo from 2 years ago. Same spot in the same house with the same sweet boy.
Same impossibly difficult and tear-jerking goodbye!

On the way out of Washington state, Mom and I stopped at Leavenworth, WA ... a touristy German town

The next night we stayed in Twin Falls, ID at an amazing B&B whose backyard opened up to the Snake River Canyon 

Amazing sunset after we pulled in to town!

After a LONG third day on the road and 1,455.1 miles driven, we pulled into the driveway at home in Colorado!

This crazy lil' devil cuddled up with me my first night home

My room kind of exploded with stuff and unpacking (this was one of the cleaner moments)

But I also got rid of the bunk bed I've had since 4th grade and got a new "big girl bed!" Now to paint the walls and redecorate!

Life back home has been great, but BOY have I been busy!
Training for and starting a new teaching job, cleaning, unpacking, and reorganizing, preparing for a vocal recital and fundraiser, and getting ready to leave for Hawaii. Man oh man!