I'm a blog-aholic. I have an entire column of 'favorites' saved on my computer of blogs I check regularly, and I've always wanted one of my own. However, I've always thought that I'd have nothing to write about. But, 'tis a new year, and I thought to myself, "Hey! I've always wanted to start a blog...why not just do it?"
SO! Behold...my new blog creation!
While I don't know how often I will update, or what exactly I will update about, I wanted to start off the year 2011 with a new addition to my life! If nothing else, I figured it'd be a neat way to archive the year and all of the goings on in my life!
Preview of a blog post to come (once I get my new SD card reader and can upload pictures!) --- Christmas Break Thus Far (San Jose for Dustin's birthday, Christmas with the family, and Dustin's New Year's visit to Colorado!)
Happy New Year everyone! =)
2 days ago
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