Saturday, July 23, 2011

Puppy Playtime and The Stove Saga

This week, I got to puppysit my boss' Yorkie, Dash!

We had lots of fun playing fun games with him!

He enjoyed our big front window as he's obsessed with people-watching!

He even finds a way to look outside when we put up curtains! Nosey little boy!

(Notice how he sits completely spread eagle. It's so funny, but so uncomfortable looking!)

He also enjoyed discovering new spots to rest! Who would ever guess under the coffee table is comfy? Not me!

He also enjoyed being spoiled and sleeping night after night curled at my feet!

He'll head back home to his Momma tomorrow when she returns from her much deserved vacation! We'll miss having his cute lil' face around, but before we know it, Cailin's Yorkie Hershey will be making his presence known in our home as our household pet!


This weekend, I was bitten by the "need to clean" bug. I accomplished the bathroom, the family room, and most importantly, the kitchen stove. Cailin and I had mentioned giving the nasty looking thing a good scrubbing, but never actually did it. But today - nope! I needed it clean! 

So began our saga...

Yeah...I'm not sure this thing has EVER been cleaned! EW!



Mmm...yummy! That was the water in the kitchen sink after our hour long scrub!

It looks better...but this stove is beyond help. I eventually gave up. What an exhausting endeavor!


In other news, I've completed my 'Up With People' application process! Now the wait begins! I conducted my phone interview today with two very nice UWP representatives, and they informed me that I will hear about my acceptance in the next week or two (even though I wouldn't enter the program until Jan. 2013!) Keep your fingers crossed! This program has me VERY excited!!! =)

Friday, July 15, 2011

My way!

In talking to my dad today, I realized I haven't updated my move-in all that much! So! Here's my "room update" post!

The last month has been filled with starting a new job in Washington, getting settled in my new house, flying back home for my big brother's wedding (!!!), hanging out with my dearest friends, and getting back into the swing of things upon arriving back in Tacoma! I LOVE summer out here in Tacoma, but it certainly is an adjustment being without my high school friends! But, luckily, I have a wonderful group of friends out here in Washington to galavant around with this summer when I'm not working!

I wanted to start with a bedroom tour (mainly for my mama who hasn't seen my house yet!). Instead of doing a music video to coordinate with my post, I decided to make my own video! A room tour! Enjoy!

Here are some additional still photos of my room!


The AFTER! =) So. Much. Better!
 My Closet!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take My Hand And Say You'll Follow Me

My brother is married! Huzzah!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My trip back to Colorado for the wedding was fabulous! It truly felt like a vacation because I was away from work of all kinds (usually when I'm at home in Colorado, I'm working at Cold Stone...even if for a short while).

I enjoyed time with my closest girlfriends, both at a girl's night and with time by the pool!
No words can express how much these girls mean to me!!!

I got to have QUITE the girl's night out for my sister-in-law's Bachelorette party!!

Michael showed up and crashed the party for a bit. Shame, shame!

I got to spend lots of time with friends and family! 
My mom was crazy enough to want to host the Rehearsal Dinner at our house! Whoo hoo!!

With my "nephew-in-law" 
(Michael and Mindy's nephew...but technically, we're in-laws!)

Candid and PERFECT. Mindy's facial expression for the WIN!

The Lowery's (minus Emily), me, and my friend Ben at the Rehearsal Dinner

Lots of my family from my mom's side!

I got to "do my cake thing" and design and create Michael's Colorado Rockies Groom's Cake, complete with field, scoreboard, a mini baseball border, and baseball cookie accents!

I got to play "Bridesmaid" for the very first time!

I got to sing the above song (Follow Me) for Michael and Mindy during the ceremony!

And I got to have a blast at the reception with my awesome date, Ben, great friends, and family!

Congratulations Michael and Mindy!

And Mindy...Welcome to our crazy family! =)