Friday, July 15, 2011

My way!

In talking to my dad today, I realized I haven't updated my move-in all that much! So! Here's my "room update" post!

The last month has been filled with starting a new job in Washington, getting settled in my new house, flying back home for my big brother's wedding (!!!), hanging out with my dearest friends, and getting back into the swing of things upon arriving back in Tacoma! I LOVE summer out here in Tacoma, but it certainly is an adjustment being without my high school friends! But, luckily, I have a wonderful group of friends out here in Washington to galavant around with this summer when I'm not working!

I wanted to start with a bedroom tour (mainly for my mama who hasn't seen my house yet!). Instead of doing a music video to coordinate with my post, I decided to make my own video! A room tour! Enjoy!

Here are some additional still photos of my room!


The AFTER! =) So. Much. Better!
 My Closet!