Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blogging About Happiness

Today was just one of those days where the world was on my side! Don't you just LOVE days like that? For that reason, I've decided to blog about anything and everything that makes me happy! Starting with this particular arrangement of 'American Boy' that I just discovered last night (Afro-Blue from 'The Sing Off')
These inspirations of 'happiness' appear in no particular order, just as they come to mind!
    1. My family. There are some rough times going on with my family right now as my 91-year-old Grandma battles medical issues. I know my mom is having a tough time, but I still love my family and wish them only happiness!

    2. Fro-yo with Friends! Yay Two Punch Tuesdays at Gibsons!

    3. Wheel Of Fortune. Yup. I just went to live auditions tonight and was randomly selected to be on stage, AND I solved the puzzle! I couldn't be happier! Here's to hoping I can actually get on the show! And a special thanks to Melanie for coming with to keep me company!!!

    4. Getting a 95% on the first paper I wrote this year for Music History. I pulled an all-nighter, I felt confident in my argument, and it turns out that I nailed it!

    5. This boy. We've had our ups and downs, but after time apart, we're back together and very happy. He just puts really big smiles on my face...all the freaking time.
    6. While we're on the topic, I love the little surprises from Dustin.

    7. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Covered Caramel Apples. 'Nuff said.

    8. The opportunity to be a cast member in Up With People! Words cannot describe how ANXIOUS and EXCITED I am to be a part of this organization!

    9. Fall!!! And the fact that it's October...AKA My BIRTHDAY and HALLOWEEN!

    10. Passages! And my Passagees! And Camp Parsons! Everything about Passages, really!
     11. 'What She Said' - I miss getting to sing with these girls (and our new mems!) Dumb vocal nodes.

    12. My puppies.

    13. These girls. My lifelines!

    14. Snuggies! Especially since our house is freezing!

    15. Cake decorating and all the fun I have with it!

    16. Being woken up with a kiss! Aw!

    I could go on and on. So many things/people/moments make me happy...but unfortunately homework isn't one of them. I've procrastinated enough today, so now it's time to get my reading done! Bleh.