Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas To-Do List

I'm officially home and on Christmas break. What a semester! I thought senior year was going to quiet down a bit, but boy was I wrong! Now that I'm home, I have a lot I want to accomplish this break. While I want to relax and enjoy everyone's company, I have a lot to do! I figured if I wrote it down publicly, I'd be more likely to fulfill these tasks:

  1. Finish Christmas shopping! Goodness school puts a damper on these things!
  2. Work out! A lot! I never have time in the semester, but now I do!
  3. Mentally practice for my recital. I'm WAY far behind on my repertoire, and I need to catch up, even if my voice is still on the fritz!
  4. On a similar note, mentally practice for the opera! We get back from break and BAM! It's showtime!
  5. Study for the G.R.E. (Dec. 30th) and Music PLACE exam (Jan. 7th). Yuck.
  6. Arrange 'The Chain' by Ingrid Michaelson for my a'cappella group What She Said!
  7. Work at Cold Stone a lot so I can actually have $$$!
  8. Spend time with my family and puppies!
  9. See lots of friends who I don't regularly get to see!
  10. Look into more fundraising activities for Up With People 
  11. Sleep and catch up! Yes!