Saturday, January 14, 2012

Giggly Girls!

I'm back in Tacoma, now, after a wonderful winter break at home in Colorado. This was one of my most productive, successful breaks EVER! Way to go motivation!!! I guess that's what happens when you're trying to apply to grad schools, huh?

Anyway, I had a whirlwind of a last week since I was trying to cram a lot of unfinished business and little errands into my last couple of days at home. My last night in town, however, I got a last minute request to babysit my most favorite girls! My pleasure! Even though they go to bed early enough that I didn't get to see them much Friday night, we still had fun playing, reading some stories, and giggling! 

Nella and Keagan are SUPER into the Disney Princesses right now...can you tell?
{Keagan on the left, Nella on the right}

Purple cupcake jammies for the purple-lovin' Nella & pink holiday jammies for the Queen-of-Pink, Keagan {who is sporting a lovely unicorn horn in this picture. Ah the things you can do with a kaleidoscope!} These girls are VERY specific about their color preferences, and they'll be sure to correct you if you accidentally goof their color schemes up! haha

After we read an ABC book for bedtime, the girls serenaded me with their ABC skills!


Then, in order to procrastinate going to bed {those little devils!}, they begged to sing me one more song! How could I resist? So they sang me 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' (with a little bit of help here and there)

I love these girls! I'm so glad I got to see them {and their wonderful parents} one last time before I left town!